Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NaNo-Sized Decisions

Well, it's Wednesday, which means it's time for another blog. I have to honestly say that writing is taking over my life as of late...I'm reading a couple of different books at the same time; Vladimir Nobokov's Lolita (which was given to me by a friend of mine) and Daiva Markelis' memoir White Field, Black Sheep (which was written by a friend of mine!). I haven't really sat down to read good books since I got here in California, and I have to say that doing it is really restoring my energy. But I've been so tired from pulling late nights the past few weeks that I end up falling asleep on the books! Pretty miserable...

Anyway, a double-dose of pressure's been served up right here in early November. For one, National Novel Writing Month has officially begun! I'm pretty excited about the plot that I've decided to write...I found an old story idea in one of my journals that I think could turn out a little interesting if I do it correctly. Then again, that's likely the case with's all interesting if you do it right, heh.

At the same time, I received an email from Disney this weekend with a form that we're supposed to fill out that designates our intentions with the company after the College Program ends. The form is due to be turned in by November 19th, which means that I don't even get to try to figure things out up to the end of the program before I have to decide what I'm going to do with the next few months of my life. It might not be such a big deal if I didn't have to decide whether or not I'm going to virtually strand myself in the West Coast with student loans to pay, really high rent, and potentially a car payment or something of the like...I guess there was at least one plus to living in Charleston, IL for college: pretty much everything was in biking distance.

Still, that form made reality set in like I wasn't expecting. For better or worse, this program's been pretty much my life for the past couple months. I've spent most all of my time with people I met at Disney, I work at Disney, I have class at Disney...and now it may all change. I can try to apply for a full-time or part-time position in the park, or I can try to get a professional/salaried position...that doesn't happen all too often, but it would be the one circumstance where I would definitely feel compelled to stick around. I want to start a career, and I want to advance, but I DEFINITELY want to pay my student loans, and that requires having a decent paying job that leaves me with some money after rent. I don't know if I'll find that out here without taking a second job, and I don't know how I'd have any energy to write after working all that much just to make ends meet...

That's really what this November is about though. I really want to prove to myself that I can get my things in order, that I can really write and make it something I take seriously. I'm trying to track down programs and tips to make the writing experience a little more fluid. In the meantime, I definitely need to get some sleep...I've been taking a lot of time to talk about personal stuff in the past few blogs, so the next one's going to be about what it's like working for Disney, and the pros and cons of taking on the College Program out in Anaheim. See you then!

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