Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm on a Bus!

So, I'd sent this post while I was riding the bus into Beverly Hills yesterday, but I just got the notification that it bounced today...I sent it to the wrong email address. Hopefully it'll work this time! Here's what was going on Wednesday evening....

"I'm on a bus, I'm on a bus; everybody look at me, 'cause I'm riding on a bus! I'm on a bus, I'm on a bus; take a good, hard look at the..." Yeah, you get the picture.

Welcome to my first mobile blog! I'm sending this via email from my beaten, bruised, but still battling Palm Pre while on the freeway riding to LA. Powers of technology, right? I have to say, I love forms of transportation that don't require my direct attention.

Anyway, apologies everyone for not posting on Sunday. My schedule has had me all over the place, and I've gotten virtually nothing done for the past week. My NaNoWriMo word count is still sitting at a firm 12K, far short of the 28-30K I'm estimating I should have right now. I've written absolutely nothing during today and yesterday, my two days off for the week where I had the most opportunity to catch up because I've had so many other things I've had to catch up with... I'm not doing so well with my time management right now, as you can see.

Regardless, I'm taking things as they come and trying to take on as many new opportunities as I can while I'm still out here in LA. Part of why I'm giving my thumbs carpal-tunnel and blogging this on my tiny phone keyboard is because I'm headed into Beverly Hills for a Video Game Development Panel. A media group called Digital LA is hosting an event at the Beverly Hills Porsche dealership where plenty of various game developers will be to talk about what it's like to manage game franchises. I'm pretty excited, but I wasn't able to find a ride into Beverly Hills for the event, so I'm taking my first major foray into mass public transit.

The experience has been all over the place so far; I've ridden buses that are like coaches, and ones that are so packed it would make claustrophobics want to cry. But I'm willing to press on in the name of gaming! I'm going to give my thumbs a rest, but I'll send an after-action report on the way home, ya'll!


-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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