Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Code D

Today was actually a pretty solid day, everyone. I don't think I ever just generally summarize what a day in the life is like, but since I generally enjoyed work and whatnot, I don't have an issue with it! ::grins::

Anyway, today was a pretty average day. I woke up and went to class, the once-a-week Marketing You class I think I've talked about before. My roommate Ron and I biked to class this morning, but I was a little out of shape, so it was a rough ride for me, lol. Regardless, class was pretty interesting. We learned about resume composition and a lot of dos and don'ts. For instance, our teacher said that we should completely cut out the "objective" portion of the resume, because they already know that you're applying to work for their company. Makes sense when you think about it...

We've gotten to the point where we're starting to figure out what we want to do our final presentations on, but I've got no real idea what I want to do it on. We have to do a presentation on a career that we want to go into, but I'm finding it pretty hard to apply a lot of this stuff to writing. After all, how do you apply to be a novelist?

After that, I biked back to the apartment with Ron and we cleaned up for our bi-weekly inspection. The housing staff comes through and checks to make sure that we haven't decimated the place. Apparently our inspection went so well that they want to come in and take pictures of it for the website. Yeah, we pretty much rocked it. But I had to clean really quickly and then take off for work.

Work was pretty average today, but for some reason I was a lot cooler with it than usual. It was a short shift, only 5 hours, which I think helped a lot. And right near the end of the night there was a group that cheered for all the people coming off of the subs. I mean they cheered for EVERYTHING. When the sub pulled up, they cheered. I mean, outright, full-on screamed. When I came up to get out of the sub, I felt like a was totally awesome.

I closed the night by meeting up with some other Nemo Cast Members at Denny's. We call it a "Code D," and it was honestly just a great time. I'd hung out with other cast members before, particularly those in the college program since I live with most of them, but I never just did a co-worker get-together like that. And it was a blast. I really liked being able to talk about work and whatnot and just chill with those people. I hope we do it again soon.

Yeah, so that was my day! Exciting, huh? ::laughs:: I know this was a pretty lame/short post, but I'm planning on doing some Extra Credit tomorrow since I have the day off. We'll see what happens! If not, then I'll see you on Sunday!



  1. Good point, how does on fill out an application or write a resume to be a novelist? Maybe you apply to be a script writer or a book editor first?

  2. Yeh, from my perspective as someone who has employed people. An objective on a resume screams, "I'm desperate. I need a job. Like now and stuff."
