Thursday, October 21, 2010

All the Leaves are Brown...I mean, Green...

Alright, I didn't update last night, and that's pretty shady of me. ::sigh:: I've gotta stop being so lame. :)

Well, it's now mid-October, and the park's been all decked-out for Halloween. It's really cool to see all the different ways the park has gotten styled for the holiday, and I'm sure they're going to put up some pretty awesome things for the Winter season, too. Then again, this section of the country doesn't really HAVE Winter, they just have the rainy season. And I'm starting to witness it first-hand.

For those of you who've never left Southern California, you may be a little surprised to know that in the Midwest we have this little season called "Fall", a time where the temperature drops rather suddenly, and the leaves on the trees change color. It's the precursor to Winter, a season where temperatures drop even further, and a frozen precipitate called "snow" falls from the sky, often times in large quantities. It's pretty fascinating! ::grins::

Meanwhile, those of you who haven't been to SoCal or the surrounding area, the rainy season is a time where the skies are overcast all the time, and the weather generally shifts from sprinkling to pouring to maybe-I'll-rain, maybe-I-won't. It's not really that entertaining.

Really though, Californians, props to your warm weather. I imagine it'd be nice to trick-or-treat in a Halloween costume and not have to wear a giant puffy coat on top of the costume. And maybe California offers more full-sized candy bars? I can't prove that, but I'd imagine that's so. Disneyland runs a Mickey's Trick-or-Treat Party that's pretty good for the kids, and they give away a ton of candy. I want candy... ::sniffles::

I'm still getting used to the differences between here and home, and I can't say it's really helped me make a decision as to whether or not I want to stay out here. I want to at least go home for a week or so after I'm done with the program, but long-term plans are pretty unclear right now. The current to-do list consists of:

  • Conduct interviews for my Marketing You class.
  • We have to take at least one weekly class offered by the Disneyland Resort as part of the College Program, even if we don't need the credits. My class is called "Marketing You," and it's a basic networking/professional development class. Our assignment for next week is one that we've had for a while: conduct two interviews with professionals and find out more about their careers.

    I'm hoping to interview with a manager from Disney Interactive Media Group in California, but it'll be a 3-hour commute via bus to get up there...I don't have a car here, but I'm willing to put forth the effort anyway. I'm kinda excited to find out more about how non-car commuting works here, and I'm REALLY excited to see the company where Disney's Aladdin for the SNES and Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! were created. (I played those games a ton in my youth...)

  • Write up a speech for graduation.
  • Our program graduation takes place in mid-December, but instead of having an elected/default Valedictorian, a panel of people chooses two members of the program to give their stories. We have to write up our speeches and have them submitted by November 1st, which means I really have to get in gear. I'm still not sure what style of approach I want to use, but I really want to make sure that I say something worthwhile, something that people will remember. Have to stay away from the formulaic, hehe.

  • Start looking at grad schools.
  • I've started considering going to grad school for multiple reasons. I figure that maybe it'll be easier to get my foot in the writing door/get my head in the writing mode if I'm back in class and learning new techniques. I'm not considering any college as out of my league.

  • Write people back home.
  • Lately I've been getting some pretty strong bouts of home-sickeness. So I think it's about time to start sending some emails and catch up with the people I miss.

  • Come up with my plot for NaNoWriMo
  • Yep, it's another November, and I'm making my third try for National Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words in 30 days. Generally I at least have an idea of what I want to write about by this point, but right now I've got NO IDEA what I want to write about. I've gotta come up with something, because I'm pretty committed to getting the "third time's a charm" thing going. We'll see how it works out...

  • Go to bed.
  • I'm gonna do that one now. Hooray!


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