I've networked with a ton of interesting people since I got to California, ranging from all sorts of different lines of business. A couple of the highlights have been:
Chris Troutt, Learning and Development Manager at Disney Interactive Media Group: I met with Chris early in the program, and he was a real joy to talk to. He used to work at Disneyland but moved to Disney Interactive so that he could do a bit more of the work in Learning Development that he wanted to do. I really had a blast meeting him; he showed me around various areas in the DIMG building including a room where tons of people were playing characters in various Disney online games like Pixie Hollow and Toontown Online. It was a fantastic experience and if I ever got the opportunity, I'd love to pick up a job at DIMG.
Rob Garza and Tracy Siudzinski, Instructional Writing for the Walt Disney Company: Chris recommended that I talk to Rob Garza after I met with him. Rob writes instructional materials for various attractions and roles across the entire Disneyland Resort system, and when I met with him he brought Tracy along to speak as well. Tracy was a relatively new hire in the department, hired just a couple months before I was. Both Rob and Tracy were really kind and told me about their job, but they were also really personable. Rob also was an English major coming out of college and is very sarcastic (like me). I enjoyed seeing an element of professional writing in the Disney Company, and the things they told me gave me a bit of hope that I might be able to land a professional writing job myself soon!
Chris Carle, Entertainment Editorial Director at IGN.com: I met Chris when I went to a networking event in Beverly Hills, and we met up at a pretty slick-looking restaurant called Spanish Kitchen. It was interesting just to be in Beverly Hills and see all the different stores and whatnot that contained furniture that I'd never be able to afford to put in my house at the rate I'm going, hehe. Still, meeting with him was a great time. He used to work in the video games section of IGN, and so we talked about various gaming things and he gave me a few tips about how to try and prepare myself to get into game journalism more than what I'm doing for 411Mania. He was a really chill guy, and I'm hoping we keep in touch.
Honestly, networking happens all over the place out here. It seems like I just randomly talk to people and find out that they're actors, writers, or otherwise involved in industries that I want to work with. I'm telling you, southern California is a completely different animal than anything else I've ever encountered.
Yep, that's right everyone: I've graduated! Again! Disney College Program graduation took place this past Friday at the Disneyland Hotel, and it was a pretty great experience. Here are some photo highlights:
My friends from Nemo (well, a large number of them)! They're a pretty inventive, dynamic crew, and they've definitely made my experience at Nemo worthwhile.
The housing complex peeps! In one way or another, everyone in this picture is a "roommate" of mine, whether we actually live in the same apartment, or just hang out with each other so much that we may as well live together! If you can't tell, they're a really fun group of people. This program wouldn't have been the same without them, and I'm sure going to miss tons of them when we all part ways at the beginning of next month.
If you're friends with me on Facebook, you can see tons more of the DCP graduation photos on my Facebook. I had a great time with my friends, and the ceremony itself was like a traditional graduation, complete with a stage walk. I'd give lots to do the program all over again, but alas, that isn't possible; the time for all this to end is coming up quickly. In the meantime, I'm trying to live each day up to its fullest. I'm going to be working tons in the next couple weeks, but that'll make the paychecks worthwhile! :)
Anyway, everyone have a great night! I'll see you on Wednesday!
Congrats on graduating...again! Those pictures were great. I am so proud.